Vintage Brass Lamps

After posting the sneak peek to our Charlton Charmer project over the weekend, we got a ton of comments on the lamp in one of the pictures. You wanted to know where it came from and received a disappointing answer : it’s vintage. To soften the blow, we’ve found six vintage, brass lamps that we LOVE and want to share with you.

We love using vintage pieces in our spaces for a whole host of reasons, but the big ones are:

1) They bring soul to the room. These pieces have already lived a life and tell a story through their little nicks and dents, patina, and uniqueness.

2) They are environmentally friendly. By purchasing vintage, we are keeping an item out of the landfill and reducing the demand for new.

3) The quality! I don’t really agree with the saying “They don’t make ‘em like they used to”, because it isn’t true - they DO make them like they used to, but they’re expensive. Small makers who are doing things the hard (old) way charge appropriately for their time, materials, and skillset, but we’ve grown so used to cheap prices that are made possible by the exploitation of cheap labour and materials that we think their prices are high. Buying vintage gives you the same great quality of a high-end piece, often at a lower price point, and frees up part of your budget to invest in new, high-end pieces.

See below for our roundup of six vintage brass lamps that we found this weekend, one of which are sharing very reluctantly because it is just so, so good.

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Project Reveal: Charlton Charmer


Project Reveal: Next Gen Farmhouse